We help +3,100 companies worldwide achieve a zero-incident rate®

From small businesses to international corporations, discover why they trust Phished to build their human firewall.

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+ 3,100 companies build their human firewall with Phished:

Change behavior with no effort from your IT team

Royal Mencap Andy

By providing ongoing micro trainings over a longer period, Phished has done an amazing job at bringing important knowledge to our workforce,
in a way that they have been able to easily take
it all in.

Royal Mencap Andy
Andy Bone ‐ Head of CISP at Royal Mencap
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BP Niek

The innovative platform ensures that we require low maintenance, while creating maximum impact.

BP Niek
Niek Bleuminck ‐ Director at B&P Professionals
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Ready to obtain
a zero-incident rate®?

Switch to the Phished platform today.️