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Case study

How a behavioral change eliminated phishing clicks at Smartphoto

Smartphoto is an e-commerce company that offers its photo printing services in 12 European countries. Amongst the many emails that their customer service department processes everyday, phishing mails are rife. In the past, they were on the end of a successful ransomware attack, which immediately created a need for some specialised Security Awareness Training to help all 180 of their employees. A piece of cake for the Phished platform.

Why Smartphoto trusts Phished

Cyber awareness is Phished’s core business
Automated and realistic phishing simulations
Employees’ increased awareness makes the company less vulnerable
Clear ROI: phishing rate dropped from 40,5% to 4,5% within a year

"Nowadays, you notice that more and more companies are falling victim to ransomware. Meanwhile we are having to deal with phishing attacks more often," says Jo Van Maldeghem, IT Operations at Smartphoto. After a year of working with the Phished platform, the results are clear: "Users are much more alert for possible phishing mails. We see that the phishing rate has dropped from 40.5% to less than 5%."

Discover in this video how Smartphoto uses the Phished services:

Thumbnail Smartphoto EN

Victim to ransomware

Before Smartphoto started working with Phished, the IT department periodically sent out manual phishing simulations - but these quickly proved insufficient to educate employees.

Recently, Smartphoto fell victim to a ransomware attack, that was quickly resolved. That attack expedited the decision to thoroughly train employees on how to recognise a phishing email when they see one.

Smartphoto contacted a number of security awareness specialists and eventually chose Phished. Jo Van Maldeghem says: "We chose a specialised company that mainly focuses on anti-phishing, whereas for many of their competitors that is only a small part of the offering."

Generic mailings without results

This completely changed Smartphoto's approach. The manual emails sent out by the IT department were abandoned. Instead, employees now receive a holistic learning experience where theory is mixed with practice. Real-life phishing simulations alternate with short training sessions in the Phished Academy. This greatly increases the awareness of security risks.

The platform also provides clear reporting so that the ROI can be closely monitored and action can be taken when and where necessary.

Great results with Phished

Users have become much more alert to potential phishing emails. We see that the phishing rate has dropped from 40.5% to 4.5%.

"We are very satisfied with the results of the Phished Security Awareness Training. The figures are positive and we notice that employees are more aware of the dangers of phishing, as well as being able to deal with them," says Jo Van Maldeghem.