Case study

Acces Industrie strengthens its defenses with a human firewall

A recent security audit at Acces Industrie, a specialist in sales and rentals of aerial work platforms and elevators, revealed a susceptibility to spear phishing. This underscored the necessity for a robust cybersecurity policy: prompt recognition and neutralisation of phishing attacks are essential for the continuous protection of company data.

With Phished, Acces Industrie now efficiently meets its cybersecurity policy standards, engaging its employees in a holistic training and improving their security awareness.

PHI Youtube Acces Industrie EN

As part of its cybersecurity policy, Acces Industrie regularly commissioned independent agencies to conduct IT audits. While the results were generally positive in terms of IT security, the latest audit uncovered a vulnerability to phishing, particularly spear phishing. This necessitated tailored security awareness training to address the company's specific vulnerabilities.

Why Acces Industrie Trusts Phished:

A multilingual platform that combines awareness training, simulations, evaluation, and monitoring.
Employees remain motivated thanks to the user-friendly nature and gamification principles of the training.
The Phished Report Button and Threat Alerts teach users how to handle (potential) threats.

No More Juggling Different Tools

After comparing various solutions, Phished emerged as the clear winner. “Phished appealed to us because it offers a platform covering all aspects of cybersecurity: the Phished Academy focuses on awareness, the simulations and evaluations train users to handle real threats, and suspicious emails are reported through the report button. It’s much more efficient to work with just one platform. Switching between tools for monitoring, training, user evaluation, etc., is too time-consuming and has minimal impact.”

Relevant Content

The growth of Acces Industrie is not limited to France alone. The company recently opened branches in Spain, which will merge with the French computer network. A crucial step in this integration process is, of course, a focus on cybersecurity. “Integrating our Spanish teams into the Phished platform is one of our priorities. Phished’s Spanish-language platform enables us to prepare our Spanish colleagues for cyber threats. This aligns perfectly with our strategy to be a cyber-resilient company, regardless of the location or language of our employees,” says Hubert.

"Our employees are fully engaged in the game. Many aim to be the first to complete the training sessions and pass through the Checkpoints to earn a certificate."

Hubert Adgié, Head of Infrastructure and Network at Acces Industrie

Convincing Results and Behavioural Change

Hubert notices that employees are genuinely motivated to expand their knowledge in the Phished Academy. He attributes this to the fact that the training is based on gamification principles: "Some really get absorbed in the training and even develop a competitive spirit. They aim to be the first to complete the training sessions and pass through the Checkpoints,” he says.

Additionally, it's noteworthy that employees are increasingly inclined to report suspicious emails. "Many have developed the habit of reporting suspicious emails using the user-friendly Phished Report Button in Outlook," Hubert shares. “Overall, everyone has become much more vigilant here. Behaviour has changed, and cyber resilience has significantly improved.”

Thanks to Phished, Acces Industrie has improved its cyber resilience, and changed user behaviour. “Users are now much more vigilant,” concludes Hubert Adgié.