Case study

Redexis replaces one-time training with frequent automated security awareness training using Phished

With the implementation of the European NIS2 Directive, Redexis - a leading natural gas distributor in Spain - decided to elevate its cybersecurity practices. Carlos Asenjo, the head of IT infrastructure at Redexis, explains why the company chose Phished to strengthen employee cybersecurity awareness and ensure compliance with NIS2.

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Why Redexis relies on Phished

Automated phishing campaigns and training sessions free the IT team from manual tasks.
Phished ensures that Redexis is fully NIS2 compliant in cybersecurity.
The platform provides a convenient overview of key metrics, offering insights into the company's cybersecurity posture.

From time-consuming efforts to automated cybertraining

Before adopting Phished Redexis organized occasional training sessions for employees and manually set up phishing campaigns. “The sessions took place only once or twice a year, which had little impact”, says Carlos. Employees would quickly forget the content, and that left them vulnerable to attacks. “Setting up phishing campaigns required a significant amount of time and effort from the IT team.” Now with Phished everything is fully automated. Employees receive consistent, frequent, personalized training which is truly paying off.

"Now with Phished everything is fully automated. Employees receive consistent, frequent, personalized training which is truly paying off."

NIS2 compliance without extra effort

Under Spanish law Redexis is classified as an essential company for society. It's therefore our priority to protect ourselves against any threats”, Carlos continues. Although the company had already placed significant emphasis on cybersecurity, the NIS2 directive highlighted the need for more effective training that demonstrates the company’s genuine investment in cybersecurity at a glance. “We realized that we needed an all-in-one solution that could handle the manual time-intensive tasks for us.

Cybersecurity insights at a glance

Phished not only automates the training process, but also streamlines data analysis. “Since we started using Phished we’ve noticed that our employees are much more alert. Thanks to the KPIs and metrics the platform offers we can easily track their progress and provide management with a comprehensive view of the company’s cybersecurity status, which aids in making decisions. Employees additionally find the training sessions engaging and user-friendly, so they don’t need to invest much time to effectively enhance their knowledge”, Carlos explains.