ISO certification: One step ahead of the competition
The ISO 27001 standard provides proof that as a company you are taking the necessary steps to protect the data of your customers and your employees. What does it entail, what are the benefits, and what conditions do you need to meet to get ISO 27001 certificated? And how does Phished help you become compliant automatically?
Dealing with information correctly and securely is not only necessary for every organization, it is also mandatory. A lack of information security can lead to serious consequences such as data breaches or phishing attacks. With an ISO certificate, a company shows that it complies with certain international standards. ISO 27001 is an example of such a standard regarding cybersecurity. The conditions listed in it help organizations avoid major risks.
What is ISO certification and what does it entail?
ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. This is an organization that develops and publishes international standards, which we call ISO norms. ISO 27001 means that an organization correctly manages the confidentiality, availability and integrity of all their data. Through a list of requirements, the standard shows how to handle this in the best way.
A crucial condition for being ISO 27001 compliant is to build a strong Information Security Management System (ISMS). Among other things, the standard requires that you use such an ISMS to systematically investigate and track what information security risks, such as poorly secured accounts, exist for your company.
In addition, an ISMS must help avoid those risks. An important part of that is anti-phishing training, after all, that's how you create security awareness among your employees and prevent dangers. All of this contributes to an even more efficient ISMS. ISO 27001 also means that an organization regularly evaluates and adjusts its information security.

Why ISO 27001 certification is important
How do you become ISO 27001 compliant?
ISO 27001 certification is therefore a real asset for any organization. To obtain it, a company needs to go through the following steps:
- Buy and read the ISO 27001 standard, it contains all the requirements you need to meet for certification.
- Risk Assessment: identify all possible information security risks. Baseline measurement testing through phishing simulations from Phished can help with this.
- Risk Treatment Plan: draw up a suitable plan with appropriate measures for each risk.
- Draw up a statement of applicability. This is a document in which you record which actions from the catalogue of security measures from ISO 27001 apply to your organization.
- Make an overall analysis. This brings together steps 2, 3 and 4. Record how you will deal with unexpected incidents and what you will do if an information security risk has occurred.
- Draw up an information security policy, including the Information Security Management System (ISMS), of which anti-phishing training is an essential part.
Then an independent party will visit your company and conduct an audit. If you pass, you will receive an ISO certificate for three years.
How can Phished help you?
Besides the fact that Phished stores its application servers and data in Google datacentres that are ISO 27001 and ISO 27017 compliant, we can help other companies to obtain such a certificate. A previously mentioned ISO standard involves the organization investigating possible information security risks.
Phished offers baseline measurement testing through phishing simulations, giving you an overview of possible weak spots. In order to be ISO 27001 compliant, you must also know how to tackle those risks correctly. Via our anti-phishing training employees can learn how to recognize and deal with all kinds of cyber threats. The Phished Academy also contributes to achieving the ISO standard for permanent training on information security. This way you can quickly frame that ISO certificate and hang it on the wall.