27 Januar 2022

How to recognise phishing

In most cases, phishing is done by email. In such a phishing mail, the sender asks you to sender asks you to 'verify' your details by clicking on a direct link in the email. The link and the website it refers to appear to be from the same trusted source that provided the email. In reality, it all belongs to a scam.

Once you click on the link and enter your sensitive information, it is sent to the scammers. Be wary of the following phishing features:

Too good to be true

Lucrative offers such as a free iPhone or a message that you have won a lottery attract attention. But don't be fooled: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Often a phishing email tells you that you have to act fast in order to enjoy the lucrative offer or to avoid or to avoid possible negative consequences. As a result, unsuspecting users users are often fooled.


A link is not always what it seems. Placing your cursor on the link (but not clicking!) the real URL (website address) will be shown to which you will be redirected. Sometimes cybercriminals use a URL that strongly resembles that of a trusted entity. So read carefully before clicking.


If an e-mail contains a suspicious or unusual attachment, do not open it. It may contain a virus or ransomware (malicious software that locks down your computer or the data on it and then demands money to make it go away).

Unusual sender

If an e-mail comes from an unknown sender, be extra vigilant. But even if a mail an e-mail that looks suspicious comes from a known sender, do not open it blindly!